As Shavuos approaches and we celebrate the giving of the Torah order a letter in a special Sefer Torah for each of your children. Fulfil this Mitzvah for only $1 per child (with sponsorship opportunities.) Order for any of your friends and relatives under Bar and Bat Mitzvah age.

Letter Sponsor $18
Verse Sponsor $36

Ink and Quille Sponsor $72
​​​​​​​Scroll Sponsor $180


Total Amount
Letter in the Sefer Torah
Please enter the information for each child. Up to 6 entries allowed. For each child include the following information IN EACH FIELD Mother's Hebrew Name + Child's gender + Child's Date of Birth (including approximate time if known) + Child's First Name/Last Name + Child's Hebrew Name
Please include the address/addresses of where the certificates should be mailed out to (Credit Card)
Billing Name and Address